
This site is a danish site about a missionary work in Cape Verde Islands. The title of the site is "Mission Kap Verde".

Did you Enter through the Door?

"I am the Door. Any one who enters in through me will be saved;"

(John 10:9)

- Report of meeting Saturday, 21 October 2017, Blåkildekirken

- Pastor Villy Nordmand Andersen http://www.blaakildekirken.dk/


God is looking for a deeper repentance

In Hosea chapter 6, God talks of a deeper repentance, a deeper knowledge of God, and a deeper love relationship with him (Hosea 6: 1-6).

The Bible speaks in many places about a superficial repentance that does not lead to anything. In Isaiah chapter 5, we find the reason why this deeper love relationship with God did not arise, because God expected to find justice in his vineyard, but he found foolishness (Es. 5:7).

The church in Laodicea is another example; it was a church that had rejected Jesus. It was a congregation that had emerged in times of welfare, but Jesus was standing outside the door knocking (Rev. 3:14-18). God gave the church in Laodiceia a last chance to repent, because their repentance was not genuine, it was a lukewarm church.


A genuine repentance is personal

We are faced with a major problem today, because there are lots of people who have repented, but it's never gone in depth. You can just raise your hand and then you are saved. I have seen several evangelists proclaim: "Raise one hand and you are saved, or now I will pray a prayer, pray after me, and you are saved." This is not a genuine repentance. If repentance has to be genuine, it has to be personal.

"Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord:" (Hosea 6:3).

The first step to know Jesus is to receive Him, and this is not done by only raising your hand. You can not get to know Jesus by praying a short prayer after another person. You do not receive Jesus by responding the alter call where the minister puts his hand on you, praying a small prayer for you. It is you who have to cry out: "Jesus, I will open my heart for you! Come in! Live in me!"


A genuine repentance

"Take with you words, and turn to the Lord: say unto him, Take away all iniquity, and receive us graciously: so will we render the calves of our lips." (Hosea 14:3) 

God is telling his people that when they turn to Him, they have to bring words of repentance. Many Christians say that they are saved, by they have never spoken words of repentance. Many are raised in Christian homes where you offer salvation in other terms, but it does not work!

Now is the time where we have to pay attention to what is essential right now. Jesus will return very soon, and we are all to appear before the judgement-seat of Christ where his eyes, like flame of fire, will reveal all our sins and injustices. Jesus is telling you that the road to Him is not a superficial road. He wants to talk to you, but it is you who has to come to Him. Jesus is saying: "I am the Door" (John 10:9). If you'd like to know how to get right through that door, then you can use the words of the lost son: "I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in your sight, and am no more worthy to be called your son: make me as one of your hired servants." (Luke 15:18-19)


You will find love, acceptance and forgiveness

I’ll never forget the time when I visited my beloved, Christian sister Grethe in her seventies. She had been raised in a Christian home, but she had never entered through the door. She said: "This, I have never done before." Grethe was a successor, following her parents' faith. After she came in through the door she got a transforming, forgiving meeting with Jesus.

I am speaking to you who have been raised to follow another person’s faith; you have to enter through the door personally. When you come to Jesus and confess your sins to Him, you will find love, acceptance and forgiveness from Him. Do not cheat yourself for the most wonderful salvation bought with the precious blood of Jesus. You will loose everlasting life because you do not respond to the calling of God. Jesus is the Door, and there is only one Door to reconciliation with God. Behind that door is God. Jesus came so that we could have fellowship with God. If you feel distant from God, and your Christian life is not working for you, then ask yourself whether you really have entered through the Door?